Friday, July 31, 2015

Day Fourteen

Everything I need

One of my favourite shots from an engagement shoot tonight at the rapids near Oulu. Koitelinkoski is such a beautiful place to visit but it seems even lovelier when you're in love.

I will be shooting this couple's wedding in a week's time and I can't wait!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day Thirteen


The sun is back! But I found this glistening web at the end of the garden and couldn't resist taking a shot.

There were bugs and blooms all around today but it was the web that I wanted to pick for today's shot.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day Twelve

In spite of the weather

Another grey and rainy day here but my first poppy wasn't going to be deterred by the weather.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day Eleven

Birthday Boy

Today I was lucky enough to take photos of a little boy who had just celebrated his first birthday in his beautiful home.

He was smiley and curious and an absolute joy to photograph!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Day Ten

Jam Tarts

I can see this is merely the start of finding ways to use strawberry jam.
Today has been pretty rainy and windy from the get go and so something was needed to entertain small people. Jam tarts are easy to make and taste rather yummy too!

Day Nine

When did she get so big?

Seriously. My eldest seems to have erupted in the last couple of months. She's 5 going on 15!
Thanks to the newest thing on Facebook I've been told (and shown!) every day recently just how much she and her little sister have grown up. It's as exciting as it is scary.

We bought them new 'summer' shoes at the weekend - in the hope summer will arrive sometime in August - and when they tried them on it was amazing how grown up they looked. I think it's the laces.

This picture is also going to be entered into a challenge over at the 365 Project website - I'm going to try and participate in a few every month as they're a good way of finding things to photograph and to push myself. This particular challenge is the Six Word Story challenge and is, quit simply, a case of taking a picture and using a title of six words to tell it's story. I'll let you know how this photo gets on!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day Eight

A Pause

Today we sampled the pie and ice cream I made yesterday. The pie was deliciously juicy and sweet and went really well with the almost sorbet like ice cream.

I felt very pleased with my efforts, I can assure you! And you can see the remnants on Rosie's chin. I picked this shot of her for today's photo because I love her expression in it. Usually when she sees the camera I get the same overly dramatic and highly cheesy grin that her sister used to do and it was nice to get one of her mid-conversation where you could actually see her lovely blue eyes.

There was glorious sunshine this evening so after gorging ourselves on strawberry related goodies, we went outside so the girls could run off some energy before bed. Rosie rode her tricycle and Evie dashed about madly playing tennis for the most part.

I found a little patch of wildflowers between some hedges which was partly in shade and partly in the sunlight. I thought it looked rather pretty so I got some shots of the flowers before we had to head inside and try to herd the girls towards their beds!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day Seven

The Day of Jam

So, over the course of today the 10kg of strawberries were turned into jam, ice cream and a pie.

The house smells amazing and the hardest part now is waiting for the pie to cool down enough to taste it!

In other news, the rosebud bloomed today! Hooray!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day Six

 Fun with friends

Today we had a picnic in the park with a dear friend who now lives in, the very exotic, Abu Dhabi.
Obviously this means we don't get to see each other nearly as often as we'd like but days like today just show that friendship doesn't care about distance and time.

It was hot and sunny - hence my rather sweaty and flushed children - there were ducks and pretty flowers. Who could ask for more?