Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day One Hundred and Twenty-Eight


Whenever Evie sees a camera this is the face she pulls. Try as we might to make her portraits a little more relaxed, we usually end up with some variation of this grin!
So I figured, if you can't beat 'em...join 'em!
Might not be the most flattering selfie ever taken, but I kinda love it all the same.

Today was a quiet day, shopping and replenishing supplies but! We did have a fly past from a nearby airbase of a chinook helicopter and two typhoons which went past the end of the garden! They use the glens and valleys here for pilot training and 'trail runs'.

We had some smaller fliers in the garden too and then something slightly more majestic flying overhead for most of the day. A gorgeous Golden Eagle. There is a pair that flies around here, we think they may well be nesting, but this one was slightly too high for me to capture any detail but pretty impressed with the silhouettes I managed.

Off to, as Evie says, 'the beach' tomorrow. Otherwise known as Loch Laidon, up on Rannoch Moor. I sense a landscape shot maybe be the order of the day!

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