Monday, July 27, 2015

Day Nine

When did she get so big?

Seriously. My eldest seems to have erupted in the last couple of months. She's 5 going on 15!
Thanks to the newest thing on Facebook I've been told (and shown!) every day recently just how much she and her little sister have grown up. It's as exciting as it is scary.

We bought them new 'summer' shoes at the weekend - in the hope summer will arrive sometime in August - and when they tried them on it was amazing how grown up they looked. I think it's the laces.

This picture is also going to be entered into a challenge over at the 365 Project website - I'm going to try and participate in a few every month as they're a good way of finding things to photograph and to push myself. This particular challenge is the Six Word Story challenge and is, quit simply, a case of taking a picture and using a title of six words to tell it's story. I'll let you know how this photo gets on!

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